Saturday, May 5, 2012

Spring is Here!!

I'm sorry!! I know it's been an awful long time since I've posted anything so here ya go. What has been going on in my life recently!? Well I've been here for over a month now and everyday is still pure enjoyment. Let's start with why I'm first here..... to learn. Class is getting more and more intense every week. It's hard and I actually have to study but I love it. The studying isn't all that bad when you know the moment you walk out your door all the new knowledge will be put to use. And not just used maybe once or twice but throughout the whole day until you fall asleep. A new assignment for this weekend is the memorization of a poem. I am actually excited about this because with my theater background this kinda of memorization is simple. However, making sure all the phonetics are perfect will be the difficult task. I am still learning lots each and everyday and can tell improvement from when I first got here. That fact is reassuring for the days where I feel like nothing is clicking. We continue to have quizzes and tests but overall class is going great!

So, last time I wrote I was really missing music and the availabilty to go play. Well, I have discovered the music room in the bottom of my building. I have spent maybe too many hours down there playing when I should be studying . The guitar and piano added into my life has been absolutely wonderful and such a good way to release and relax.

Also, I have discovered the Uni Sport classes. They have a whole ton of classes that are free for students so I have been spending alot of time in the Sporthalle and Gymnastikhalle. My favourite classes are Super Fitness and then of course modern dance. Super fitness is exactly what is sounds like. Running for the first 45 min in different styles then more toning and a bit of cardio for the last 45 min. It is pretty super! :) On Tuesday there were no classes because of holiday. The tradition is everyone goes hiking with their family and friends and picnic and just enjoy the First of May. We did exactly that. We went on a three hour hike through the woods and fields of daisies. It was gorgeous with the sun beating down on us. Yes, we all got a bit sunburned but the day was well needed relaxing time.

It was a gorgeous day for a hike

It was GREAT to see this girl
What have been my recent adventures?? Last weekend I was able to go spend the weekend with a good friend which was lovely. She was actually an exchange student in high school so it had been 3 years since I last saw her. I got on the train right after class and went to Landau where we sat in the park and played music in 80 degree weather, went to Maimarkt which is like a little carnival and visited the Zoo. It was so great to be able to catch up and spend some time with her. I'm excited to go back and adventure some more.

You were allowed to get SO close to the animals! This would
 have NEVER been allowed in America. Yes, this  is a Penguin
 trying to eat me.

So I don't only study! I do have fun hiking, dancing, visiting friends and discovering new little cafes. Since April 16th some nightly activities have been attending a friends concert he was putting on for a charity, watching Marvel's: The Avengers 3D in German, going to a karaoke bar, the modern art museum and ballet in Stuttgart, many parks and just enjoying the city.

Who know's what tonight holds?! :) I'm just going to keep on living and learning and doing what I do best....... Living my life out to it's fullest potential! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

So much laughter and song!

I have been in my wonderful Tübingen now for a full 2 weeks and well YES I am still loving it! Surprise?! Nah! I continue to discover something new everyday and my head continues to be filled with knowledge. This past week was intense indeed. Much class and homework and quizzes and this next week will be the same. We have our first real big test this week, Thursday, but I'm determined to do really well. It was also great being at the Uni today because it was the first day all the students were back. It was fun to see everyone reuniting again. 

So, you keep hearing me say I'm getting along great and loving my life, so you may be wondering what I miss about home? Well I sure don't miss America but the people of course, but it's really the music. I don't miss American music I miss the accessibility of it. I can't just pick up my guitar and start jamming or sit for hours singing and writing music with friends on the piano. Laughing at the awful notes that were just played or getting real excited over wonderful harmonies that just happened. Once it's all taken away one realizes how much apart of their life it truly is. In my tutorium we listened to and translated this song and it was stuck in our heads the next few days. We'd go about singing this song but we only knew a few words from it. I miss that ridiculous singing ALL the time and having it happen anywhere and everywhere. There is SO much music to be made when I get back and for that I am completely stoked!

I'm learning other things to occupy my time like hiking through the hills or simply sitting and chatting over coffee. And well, I have lots of homework that always needs finishing. Also, I've been cooking more so that can take a bit of time. :) 

We'll see what new things I can find to do this week and occupy my time with! Sending you all love from Germany!

This is our American group with our tutors. About half of them I have class with. In the background is the former Cistercian Monastery of Bebenhausen founded in around 1183/84.

Here is the song from Tutorium so it can get stuck in your head too!